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Jimi Hendrix is no doubt one of the most inspiring guitarists to
ever live. The exotic sound that he got out of his guitar is what inspired many
people to start playing. (including me.) Jimi led a life that was just as wild as
his guitar playing. He is where I believe the saying Drugs, Sex, and Rock 'n'
Roll came from. Although Jimi believed in expanding his mind through drugs this
is not what caused his death. (Although that is what millions of peaple think caused
his death.) Jimi died of vomit inhalation. He was so exhausted that he was unable to
roll over and let it out. That is what caused him to die. The most inspiring
guitarist of all-time DID NOT DIE FROM DRUGS.

Stevie Ray Vaughan in my eyes was the greatest guitar player to ever
live. He overcame many obsticles in his life, such as lack of prosperity, his fathers
death, and the most important obsticle in life, Drugs and Alcohol. Stevie overcame
substance obuse after nearly killing himself. He drank till he vomited blood. He
then had the brains to stop all of that nonsense. He checked himself into rehab and
had been clean until his death. This is the reason I feel proud to call him my